Invited Lecture – Leo Gross

11 September 2024
IOCB Prague
Invited Lecture – Leo Gross

Dr. Leo Gross (IBM Research Europe – Zurich, Rüschlikon, Switzerland)


Chemical Reactions and Synthesis by Atom Manipulation

Date and time

11 September 2024, 10 a.m.


IOCB Prague, Lecture Hall


Using the tip of a scanning probe microscope, chemical reactions can be induced. To that end, elusive and otherwise unstable molecules can be created on inert surfaces and then studied with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and non-contact atomic force microscopy (AFM) with bond-resolved contrast1,2. In this talk I will focus on the synthesis and characterization of cyclocarbons3-5, moreover, on investigating molecules with charge control6 and selectivity in tip-induced redox reactions7.


  1. L Gross et al. Science 325, 1110–1114 (2009)
  2. L Gross et al. Science 337, 1326–1329 (2012)
  3. K. Kaiser et al. Science 365, 1299-1301 (2019)
  4. Y. Gao et al. Nature 623, 977–981 (2023)
  5. F. Albrecht et al. preprint: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-ddrh7-v2 (2024)
  6. S. Fatayer et al. Science 365, 142–145 (2019)
  7. F. Albrecht et al. Science 377, 298–301 (2022)

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