Miloš Buděšínský
Latest publications
Carbonyl mediated fluorescence in aceno[n]helicenones and fluoreno[n]helicenes
Chemical Science 15 (25): 9842-9850 (2024)
Acidity constants and protonation sites of cyclic dinucleotides determined by capillary electrophoresis, quantum chemical calculations, and NMR spectroscopy
Electrophoresis 45 (7–8): 687–705 (2024)
Vinylphosphonate-based cyclic dinucleotides enhance STING-mediated cancer immunotherapy
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 259: 115685 (2023)
Silver Ion High-Performance Liquid Chromatography—Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: A Tool for Analyzing Cuticular Hydrocarbons
Molecules 28 (9): 3794 (2023)